If and when she mentions how she’s bored and would like to return to work her husband casts a disapproving look towards her and changes the subject or tells her she has no time to work. He asks who will cook his dinner, who will serve his dinner, who will starch and iron his shirts, and who will do the housework. When she says she can do it ALL and work, he tells her this is her job, taking care of the house and his needs...Load of Bs....I know Soon after she starts popping kids and then it’s all downhill... Some time down the road, after a few kids, this Stepford wife realizes she has no identity for herself, years have been wasted on a MAN, and she begins to resent him. Now she has three roads to travel down, either she continues with life as it is or puts her foot down and begins to create her own identity outside the house or arguments develop, resentment deepens and the marriage ends..... Some of you might think a few of my descriptions are over the t...