Hello friends!
It has been awhile. A friend recently reminded me of my blog . He said I should get back to writing, he enjoyed my stories. I used to love blogging and then life happened; family expectations, a career, and so much more. And yet..maybe I am lying a little. Blogging reminds me of my old life, the one stained with pain that I have tried my best to forget. My psyche has done a pretty good job in conquering the art of filing the past away deep into the embers of my mind. The human mind is truly a mystery isn't it? A lot has happened since my hiatus. Where should I start? Politics has been fabulous and yes I know that sounds like an understatement. Should we discuss the shitstorm that politicians like Trump and Boris have put us in? In our lifetimes will we see more screwed up leaders the likes of them? I pray we don't because I don't think the next generation will be able to handle it. And now unfortunately this pandemic which seems to be getting worse than better. God rest the souls of all those who have perished and I know you all join me in saying “Thank you” To our heroes on the front lines.
A few weeks ago I decided to boycott the news ,,, that didn't happen however I did stop watching CNN and Fox ,,they are all liars, big name media companies, paid by the wealthy, to deliver “news” that works to the advantage of the elite concocted to hide the real truth and to spoil our minds with propaganda. All we know is there is a virus killing people and humans who love to be selfish and refuse to keep their asses at home. Instead they choose to mingle, party, vacation, and successfully spread Covid. Sorry for the negativity but as I said before we are in a real shit storm. I must say this pandemic has truly opened my eyes on how selfish we humans are capable of being. It's unfortunate that I and others had to learn the ugliness of the human species.
But hold onto your seats my dear readers here comes the conspiracist in me. Did Covid really accidentally appear? I wonder if this was a joint plan by several governments like China, Russia, UK, And the the US : Lets de populate the world. We have too many people, too many mouths to feed not enough funds and not enough room on planet earth. We don't want them to finish up our resources. Let's start by killing off minorities who do not have adequate funds and healthcare to take care of themselves and they do not have much to offer to society. I know it sounds horrible but let's be real. Do we really think governments are holier than thou? Do they really have our best intentions in my mind? No they only care about what affects them and what they get out of their “jobs”. Also they are being puppeteered by the elite who put them in office. For my American readers I know hearing about “voter fraud” is a broken record. It really is a lost cause because do our votes really count? There is fraud in the government thinking we voted a president or prime minister into office but it's really about which man or lady will achieve the “plan of the elites.”
Ok no more politics I think that's enough maybe it'll give you all something to think about. I also wonder how much our thoughts on politics and the happenings of the world matter. With this pandemic I've come to realize as nationals of our nations it's more important to be kind to one another and think about how our friends, families, neighbors are affected by the inadequacy of our current governments and help them, worry about them because we know the government won't so we have to.
Chat later xoxoxo
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