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Showing posts from 2021

Break Ups

When do break ups get easier? Why is it easier for men to forget but we women hold on to all the memories, the sweet banter exchanges, the romantic looks, the annoying habits, and so much more.  I still have the parking ticket from the beach we went to 4 years ago while we were on our first away vacation. It was so nice so romantic.... Why does it hurt that someone you loved so much and thought you couldn't live without suddenly turns out to be someone so different. Was it another façade? Another fake love story made up in your head "fairy taled," Yes I am going through a break up or that's what I think it is. Love really is so over rated it is so fucked up. They don't make men like they used back in the day. The Cary Grant and Gone with the Wind love stories no longer exist. I pass by an old couple watch as they walk hand in hand and always wonder will I ever find that kind of love. Clearly it's not looking too hot. At 35 almost 36 I should stop dreaming. My ...

Democracy failed

I can’t believe what is happening in our capital today. I am embarrassed by the acts of these cowardly ingrates. Today the very foundation of what this nation has been built on has been destroyed. Our democracy is in peril, it has been for many months, but today was the icing on the cake. We have a president that continues to incite hate. These protestors are destroying our capital and attacking our police because of him. I wonder if he will be held accountable?? I doubt it. Also, I thought Blue lives matter?? What happened to that??   I think the worse was when I saw an ingrate standing in the seat of the Speaker of the house.   The likes of Gorge Washington, Thomas Jefferson, RBG, and John Lewis would be saddened by todays images.  We are no longer a first world.   The world is laughing at us. We are an unstable nation who is now prey to destabilization and possible attack.   This is the perfect setting for nations like Russia and China.   Why wouldn’t th...

I'm back!

Hello friends! It has been awhile. A friend recently reminded me of my blog . He said I should get back to writing, he enjoyed my stories.  I used to love blogging and then life happened; family expectations, a career, and so much more. And yet..maybe I am lying a little.  Blogging reminds me of my old life, the one stained with pain that I have tried my best to forget.  My psyche has done a pretty good job in conquering the art of filing the past away deep into the embers of my mind.  The human mind is truly a mystery isn't it?  A lot has happened since my hiatus. Where should I start?  Politics has been fabulous and yes I know that sounds like an understatement.  Should we discuss the shitstorm that politicians like Trump and Boris have put us in? In our lifetimes will we see more screwed up leaders the likes of them? I pray we don't because I don't think the next generation will be able to handle it. And now unfortunately this pandemic which seems t...