When do break ups get easier? Why is it easier for men to forget but we women hold on to all the memories, the sweet banter exchanges, the romantic looks, the annoying habits, and so much more. I still have the parking ticket from the beach we went to 4 years ago while we were on our first away vacation. It was so nice so romantic.... Why does it hurt that someone you loved so much and thought you couldn't live without suddenly turns out to be someone so different. Was it another façade? Another fake love story made up in your head "fairy taled," Yes I am going through a break up or that's what I think it is. Love really is so over rated it is so fucked up. They don't make men like they used back in the day. The Cary Grant and Gone with the Wind love stories no longer exist. I pass by an old couple watch as they walk hand in hand and always wonder will I ever find that kind of love. Clearly it's not looking too hot. At 35 almost 36 I should stop dreaming. My ...