There are many things the UK is good for and one of them is how the media allows the public to take national TV screens, set up panels, and voice their opinions... Of course in the UK there are two very big issues which affect all UK citizens, benefits and immigration. There are so many illegal immigrants living here in the UK under the radar of the UKBA who will eventually be caught and while they are hiding well earned tax payers money is going towards feeding them. And then you have another group of immigrants both within and outside of the Euro coming in to the UK legally however taking away all the jobs which you and I, citizens of the UK, should have to feed our families. But here’s the thing the British economy is thriving BECAUSE of these immigrants. They come into the country hoping to live the British dream by working hard and feeding their families so they are open to doing any job that is available to them. A lot of the jobs they have are low pay grueling jobs which most ...